Fortnite quest survivor
Fortnite quest survivor

fortnite quest survivor

In addition to their personalities, each subordinate survivor is randomly assigned a Set Bonus. This penalty can not reduce the Power Level of a Survivor below 0. For Mythic Leads, failing to match a subordinate to the Lead results in a stat penalty. If a subordinate survivor has the same Personality trait as the leader of their team, the subordinate gains a flat power level bonus depending on the rarity of the lead survivor.

fortnite quest survivor fortnite quest survivor

If the Lead Lead's Job attribute matches the Job of the squad, the power level for the lead survivor is doubled. Further, a variety of bonuses from matching survivors' Jobs and Personalities augments the Survivors' power levels when placed inside a Squad. stats contributed by Survivor Squads are determined by the cumulative Power Level of all survivors in each squad. Fortnite: Battle Royale Review - Laying The FoundationĠ9 April 2018 F.O.R.T.

Fortnite quest survivor